Preparing Pilots to take
the Gospel to all the Nations

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Kingdom Air Corps was founded in 1999 by Reverend Dwayne King for the purpose of training missionary pilots to fly in the most rugged places on earth in order to bring the gospel to the people there. In Alaska, though more than 85% of the villages are not accessible by road, airplanes are able to fly in. In Far East Russia, especially in Siberia, nearly 96% of the villages are off the road system. Airplanes can fly to these places and the pilot missionary can minister to these isolated people. Missionaries who feel called of God to minister in these remote locations can train and obtain their pilot certificates at the Kingdom Air Corps flight training base in Alaska. Applicants are hand-picked and undergo a rigorous interview process. Only students who are wholly committed to serving the Lord in full time mission work are considered for flight training at Kingdom Air Corps. As a result of training pilots for mission work, Kingdom Air Corps has outreaches across the United States and in Russia and Thailand.

We thank God for the work He has given us and invite you to participate as the Lord leads you. Volunteers and church groups visit Alaska each summer to help with the ministry.


Latest at the Ranch

Kingdom Air Corps
Kingdom Air CorpsWednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 3:56pm
As 2025 starts to ramp up, work continues on our Cessna 150 tailwheel conversion!
Kingdom Air Corps
Kingdom Air CorpsFriday, January 10th, 2025 at 4:39am
This is a day late, but we’re remembering the events mentioned below from Ecuador in 1956. These events have become the inspiration for many to strive to become missionary pilots…….

MARTYR ANNIVERSARY: On this day in 1956, missionaries Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint and Roger Youderian were violently killed by the Waodani tribe in Ecuador. The five had spent months contacting the Waodanis through over-flights and gift exchanges via an ingenious bucket drop. Though the tribe had a history of violent encounters with outsiders, the men had decided they'd established a degree of mutual trust that would support direct contact.

Within two years of their deaths, Elisabeth Elliot and Nate Saint’s sister made a friendly and lasting contact with the Waodanis, and translation of the Bible into the Waodani language began. One by one, the men who murdered the missionaries became believers in the One who sent the five to reach them.
Kingdom Air Corps
Kingdom Air CorpsWednesday, January 1st, 2025 at 12:14am
May the Lord’s best touch each one of your lives in this new year!

Kingdom Air Corps Ministries

King Ranch

Kingdom Air Corps has its home on King Ranch, 320 acres of beautiful land located 81 miles northeast of Anchorage, Alaska on the Glenn Highway.

Brooks Range Bible Camp

Each summer a group of missionary trainees, pilots, and KAC staff load up a dozen general aviation aircraft and fly 60 miles north of the Arctic Circle to hold two sessions of Bible camp for children and teens living in the remote villages in the Brooks Range Mountains.

Summer Training Program

A number of students come for flight training during the summer. Some work towards a rating and some come to build time in the real-world environment that they can find at Kingdom Air Corps.