Kingdom Air Corps PartnerS

Kingdom Air Corps desires to train greater numbers of missionary pilots to serve around the world. Our Board has prayerfully considered how we might grow, and approved a master plan with targeted growth in three areas:

1. Increase the number of missionary pilots in flight training.
We will increase pilot training gradually until we reach 60 students per year. This additional training means increased aircraft and facilities maintenance, utilities, and other operational costs.

2. Develop the property to accommodate the growth.
Our architect has sketched a plan to construct a large central building with kitchen and dining facilities to feed 300 and host events for up to 400 people. This building will be the hub of ministry, equipped with meeting rooms, offices, and a children’s center. Housing will be built for our growing staff, and an RV park constructed to house volunteers and work teams.

3. Expand spiritual training for missionary staff and flight students.
New seminars, called our “Spiritual Discovery Series” have been underway all summer, bringing spiritual enrichment and better equipping us to make disciples in various cultures.

You, each of you and all of you, are our first line of partners. We ask you to support us in three ways:

1. Pray for leadership to have wisdom in planning. Pray for workers. Pray for finances.

2. Serve with us as we build—we’ll need workers of all kinds: construction, plumbers, electricians, cooks, kitchen workers, and many others.

3. Give as the Lord leads to support sustainable growth. The infrastructure will be costly. Every one of your gifts will help. We ask especially for monthly giving commitments as the Lord enables. If each of you were to give each month to help us train missionary pilots, we could develop a sustainable growth plan based on a dependable monthly income.

Our secure, online giving allows you to give a one time gift, or become a monthly supporter of Kingdom Air Corps or any staff missionary. Options include giving directly from your checking account (.75% fee) or by credit card (2.6% fee). You will have the option to help cover these fees if you choose to do so. It is not required. We encourage you to set up an online donor account log-in which will allow you to track and manage your giving.

**Kingdom Air Corps is a qualified section 501(c)(3) organization that exercises discretion and control over the use of all donations received, including those for individual missionaries, to carry out its ministry and care for its staff.

With Your Help, We are Taking the gospel to the world


Alumni Serving on the Mission Field

Our alumni go on from KAC to servce with a number of missionary organizations around the world or serve independently as tentmaker missionaries in Alaska.