Travels and Reunions

by | Oct 6, 2022 | KAC News | 1 comment

The first balloons lifted off in a gray dawn, mere shadows without their burners lighting them from the inside. A half dozen more followed quickly to the cheers of thousands who had gathered at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. The crowd had endured several rainy days with no launches. As dawn broke, dozens upon dozens ascended in spectacular succession, followed by clusters of the special character balloons whose launches had been previously scrapped due to weather. Bears, unicorns, a smiling sun, Darth Vader, pumpkins, cats, dogs, and a myriad of cartoon and storybook characters came to life before our eyes, painting the horizon with color. What a very special time to spend with my daughter.

I’d been blessed to have had wonderful visits with four of my five children and most of my grandchildren in the time Dwayne has been traveling across the country from Alaska to Pennsylvania. The fifth child lives in Albuquerque, and she and I decided at the last minute to squeeze in a visit. It’d been a few years since we’d seen each other, and our relationship had been strained for many years before that. I have prayed literally for years that God would bring healing and peace between us, and I am so thankful that it has begun. It’s wondrous what sincere apologies and a mutual desire to bridge the rough waters can accomplish. God’s grace is clearly seen in this, and I pray that His love, which never fails, will eventually see us through to an enduring friendship. For those of you who are estranged from a loved one, be encouraged. He can, by His grace, restore your relationship. Mending broken relationships is His specialty and it brings Him great joy. He set the example for us in giving His life to restore our relationship to God. As Jesus has forgiven us, ask God to help you forgive them, and then pray in love for restoration. Be careful with words, speaking only good and kind things about the other. As we walk in love, God will answer our prayers of faith, even if it takes years. Trust him. Will my relationship with my daughter ever be perfect? No. But, I’m hoping over time it can be lovely and warm. I’m reminded of Ephesians 4:1-3: “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” And, of course, there was a reunion bonus for us with the stunning balloon launch!

Where is Dwayne? Earlier this week found him driving his driver to Urgent Care in Kansas. Their long hard hours had taken a toll on Gary, who had had little sleep in a couple of weeks. They will have a short break at Arvin’s farm—Dwayne will perform some truck maintenance and Gary will rest. Then on to Michigan, Tennessee, and Ohio before finally arriving home to Pennsylvania late Friday or early Saturday. Gary will then fly home to Florida, and Dwayne and I will head north to Vestal, New York, where he preaches at 9:00 and 10:45 on Sunday morning, October 9 at Calvary Tabernacle. If you are in the area, we would love to see you.

Once we are home next week, Dwayne should be at the hangar in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania for a few days before he heads south for a short trip to the Carolinas. Later in October, we fly to Oregon, then overseas to finish the month in Israel. It will be my first trip to the Holy Land, and I am very excited to visit the places where Jesus, Himself, walked!

We continue to pray for you, our friends and coworkers in the Lord’s work, that God will open doors of ministry for you and keep you close to Him as you spend time seeking His direction. And we thank you for your prayers for us; we depend on them to keep us going in his service.