
by | Dec 3, 2022 | KAC News | 1 comment

The furnace was out, but we were thankful for sunshine heating up our great room through its wall of windows. The propane fireplace gave some extra heat and a lot of ambiance. We were thankful for the relatively warm house and the promise of our furnace man to fix it as soon as he could. The nativity set was up, and the olive wood camels we brought back from Bethlehem a month ago added a special touch, giving each wise man his own camel and reminding us of the people and the place where Jesus was born. We are awed and thankful that God has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. Colossians 1:13.

As I’ve been dealing with things at the house—cleaning up after our Thanksgiving weekend with 16 family members and swapping decorative pumpkins for snowmen—Dwayne has been busy at the hangar with his team. They are repainting the recently obtained Cessna 150 and giving it a thorough annual inspection. It will be used to train our student pilots at Rocktop Airport in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

Kingdom Air Corps has had some significant changes in staff, and we would appreciate prayers for the transition, both for those missionaries stepping out, and also for those the Lord will bring to serve in the future. In Alaska, our staff is busy with winter ministries, including visiting churches to speak about Kingdom Air Corps, flight training from Palmer Airport, maintaining vehicles, plowing snow, and performing aircraft maintenance and upgrades. We are grateful for Wesley Daniels for plowing and vehicle maintenance; Jerry Casey for his tireless flight instructing; and Brian Lites, Levi Moody, and Andy Gudeman for their aircraft maintenance work, particularly the panel upgrades for two Cessna 150s (one is pictured above.) One of those airplanes is now 22 pounds lighter!

We are eagerly expecting the arrival of two babies: Anna and Levi Moody are due around Christmas, and Wesley and Talitha Daniels in early February! Both staff families are wintering at the Ranch in Alaska. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travel, healthy babies, and the Lord’s provision of all they need to care for their families. We look forward to pictures and to holding them when we see them in the spring.

What a lot to be thankful for! Psalm 100:4 encourages us to “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” May these few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas be full of blessings for you and your families and may you rejoice with us in the goodness of our God.