LeTourneau Go Week

by | Jan 28, 2023 | KAC News | 0 comments

Teams in khakis and matching mission shirts put the finishing touches on their display tables, setting their tabletop materials in place, raising their organizational banners, and fanning out colorful brochures. They occasionally stopped to shake a hand or hug a friend passing by. As the hand of the wall clock touched 8:00 on that Monday morning of Go Week, we, too, were ready at both of the Kingdom Air Corps’ tables—one in the student center; the other at the airport. Dan Swenson, Director of (Aircraft) Maintenance Education, and Kingdom Air Corps’ team lead for Go Week, grinned as he set three boxes of warm donuts on our table. “Offer them to our mission neighbors, and to hungry-looking students hurrying to their classes!” Then he rushed off to deliver several dozen more to our staff on campus. Within minutes, we were surrounded by donut-eating missionaries and aviation students who had stopped to chat.

Dwayne and I, Jerry and Jane Casey, and Dan met hundreds of people over the next several days; a curious few who had not heard of Kingdom Air Corps, many others who support our work in one way or another, and dozens who want to visit us in Alaska. Several previous flight students stopped by, some who will be returning. We met about 30 aviation mechanic students who will take a LeTourneau summer course in Alaska. Two dozen more students are on a waiting list in case there are cancellations. The overwhelming response is so encouraging! Our KAC team led devotions in many classes, sharing our own experiences as missionaries. We attended or led meetings, lunches, chapels, evening events, and a sizeable number of impromptu gatherings. Old friends stopped by for some camaraderie, and new ones hovered, waiting for a chance to meet us and talk.

However, the fellowship, the fun, and the food were all icing on the cake. Our primary mission was to connect with those aviation people who have the call of God on their lives to be missionary pilots, especially those who want to train or serve with us. The Lord connected us with several serious candidates: mechanics, flight students, and flight instructors. You will be hearing more about this in the future!

I am so thankful that we do not have to mastermind God’s plan ourselves; God has it well under control. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” We are trusting God to connect us with those he has in mind to join us in training for his service.