Our Brothers and Sisters Around the World

by | Mar 17, 2023 | KAC News | 0 comments

Most of the time we wear blinders. Like a horse focused on getting to the next place, we trot along in life intent on the job at hand. With our limited focus, it’s natural and easy to forget about others and their needs, especially those far away with whom we have little interaction.

But some individuals and churches, do, in fact, think about our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world and realize the poverty and dire conditions in which they live. They decide to do something about it. This is courageous, heartwarming, and dear to our Lord’s heart. We have several churches that come beside us to help as we train pilots to fly in some of the most isolated places in the world. Our flight students sometimes come with us and speak in these churches, sharing the challenges and needs in their countries. Consider these staggering statistics of one country for whom we are training a missionary pilot. Islam is the state religion and all laws are consistent with Islamic beliefs. One percent of the population is Christian and, while it is not forbidden to convert to Christianity, there are big social pressures against that decision, perhaps much like it was for Jews to follow Jesus when He lived.

As you might imagine, Christians living in this country face obstacles. We know some who meet for worship in a crude church, halting construction each time they run out of money. One of our supporting U.S. churches put a roof on this small church building two years ago and now are helping to finish the interior. Compared to the cost of construction here in the United States, the expense is minimal and will provide a cool, dry space for believers to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is particularly notable because the giving church, itself, needed to fix and improve their own facility. They shared joyfully how the Lord provided funds for both a new roof and a large plumbing repair as they gave to this international work. God faithfully continues to meet their every need.

In other countries, it is next to impossible to send money because of economic sanctions. But technology enables us to stay in communication, even to hold Bible studies. How encouraging to see their faces, hear their voices, and study God’s precious Word together! How exciting to see them taking the Gospel by airplane to villages off the road system all year round. You’d think sub-zero temperatures would dissuade these missionaries. No. They plan ahead, warming the aircraft, dressing for the weather, gathering emergency equipment, and packing Bible materials and treats for children and adults. They go, bringing the Word and whole lot of joy to the isolated people of these villages. These are pilots who trained a decade ago at Kingdom Air Corps, now bearing their own ministry fruit. We praise God!

Are you excited with us? Are you interested in helping? Here are a couple of ways you can get involved. First, pray. Pray for open opportunities to minister in these places. Pray for the people’s hearts to be yearning for truth and to recognize the Gospel as God’s very Word. Pray they will turn to Jesus, be born again, and follow him to spiritual maturity even in the face of persecution. If you would like to give, we have a scholarship fund that pays for our international students’ Bible training and flight training expenses. Or you can designate a gift to Kingdom Air Corps’ international work, which would be used for projects and needs in the countries in which we minister. You can give online (click here) or send a check to Kingdom Air Corps, 39911 North Glenn Hwy, Sutton, AK 99674.

The Spirit of God is building the church, the bride of Christ, searching the world for believers. Thank you for joining us in the effort to bring in the harvest of souls for Jesus.