Off to Alaska!

by | Apr 23, 2023 | KAC News | 3 comments

We stood in front of the truck and trailer, which we’d just finished loading in front of our Pennsylvania home, and snapped a picture, followed by hugs and promises to see each other soon. Dwayne King and Bill Reynolds, a fellow member of Antrim Brethren in Christ church in Chambersburg, settled into their bucket seats for the big drive north to Alaska! I’d raced to the grocery store earlier and bought a cart full of easy breakfast items, microwavable dinners, and a plethora of snacks. We almost forgot the suitcases, remembering them in time to stow them in the camper portion of the 40-foot trailer they pull. They haul my suitcase, too, which leaves me just a carry-on and my computer when I fly up in a couple of weeks.

The trailer, itself, was two-thirds full, packed with a king-size mattress for one of our staff, two airframes which will get their skins at a stop along the way, and a variety of equipment, tools, and boxes. The rest of the load will be picked up at a couple of stops along the way, one in Ohio, and the other in Kansas. They they’ll head to Montana where they’ll likely cross the Canadian border. From there, it’s straight on to Alaska. Dwayne has to arrive no later than May 2 since he’s hauling the tools for a big construction job that begins May 3.

This morning was our last time in our Pennsylvania church until October. There were many goodbyes, hugs, prayers, and last-minute blessings. We do this twice a year: in early May we head to Alaska, and in late September we turn our faces back to Pennsylvania. Dwayne always drives and pulls a big load. He’s driven the Alaska Highway more than 50 times. I usually fly, although I’ve done the drive a couple of times. We move airplanes and equipment back and forth for maintenance and for missionary flight training. Our staff of mechanics and flight instructors at our Chambersburg base at Rock Top Airport work on aircraft, continue with flight training, and oversee our hard-working volunteers on various projects. Dwayne and I work with our Alaska staff and volunteers doing the same thing there.

Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us to keep our focus on the Lord, himself, not just on the work we are doing for him. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Please pray for Dwayne and Bill as they drive 4,200 miles with a few stops in places along the way to pick up the waiting loads. They have 10 days, which should be enough if tires don’t blow, or other mechanical problems occur. Please keep them in your prayers as you think about them over the next several days. I’ll be posting regular updates from Alaska from May to September, trying my best to keep you all up-to-date on the Lord’s blessings as the summer unfolds.