Local Ministries

Dwayne, Harry, and Ben stood by the airplane, all packed to leave. They’d worked on the Piper Warrior the day before, knowing the brakes needed some attention. They’d fixed them—or so they’d thought. But a morning inspection revealed the problem persisted. Realizing...


Moses had died. Joshua was in charge of leading God’s people across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. Joshua had been a good student of Moses, understanding that God has His own plan, and His own timing for executing that plan. And from experience, Joshua...

Stay Salty

The sunrise over the Sea of Galilee buttered the sky first, then spilled over the water in glorious golden hues of gold. What a welcome on our second morning in Israel! We were heading north of the Sea to the place where many believe Jesus preached the Sermon on the...

Keeping Up with the Kings: Psalm 27

Today is packing day for me and last minute meetings for Dwayne. We leave for Israel tomorrow! I can’t wait to see Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Cana and Nazareth and imagine our Lord Jesus living in those places.This morning I read Psalm 27 and thought not only about...

Together at Last!

My flight from Albuquerque landed at Baltimore-Washington Airport last Saturday at 11:30 a.m. I grabbed my suitcase, took the escalator upstairs, and hurried outside to find Spirit Airlines, hoping to catch Dwayne as he dropped Gary, his amazing driver, off to fly to...