Brooks Range Bible Camp

Each summer a group of missionary trainees, pilots, and KAC staff load up a dozen general aviation aircraft and fly 60 miles north of the Arctic Circle to hold two sessions of Bible camp for children and teens living in the remote villages in the Brooks Range Mountains.

This camp is built on a homestead, owned by the Fickus family, and they have generously allowed Kingdom Air Corps to use their land for this ministry. Carved out of the wilderness, and built by volunteers from the ground up, the camp is rugged, beautiful, ingenious, and a blessing to all who set foot there.

Through their experience at camp, all involved gain a vision for the importance of flying to reach people living in the isolated places of the world who have limited exposure to the Gospel.

This ministry has a twofold purpose, to train our student missionary pilots and to minister to the remote villages of Alaska. Due to the isolation/culture of these villages, it takes years to build their trust. With these in mind, and the fact that most of the camp staff are our flight students and instructors, our need for outside volunteers is minimal and is undergone with careful selection.