Where in the World is Dwayne?

Whirlwind! That’s the word that comes to mind when I think of the recent weeks! Dwayne and I drove to Little Rock, SC where he gave a missions report to Little Rock Baptist Church about our international outreaches. This small church contributes in a big way to...

Your Great Generosity for Brooks Range Bible Camp

All of us at Kingdom Air Corps are astounded and so blessed at how big-hearted you, our supporters, are! A few days ago in our March newsletter, we announced the good news that we’d been granted permission to replace 11-year-old canvas tent structures with wooden...

Living for God in our Upside-down World

On impulse this morning, I asked Google whether there has ever been a day in human history when a war did not rage somewhere on earth? I found an article published by the New York Times in 2003, “What Every Person Should Know About War.” The author, Chris Hedges,...
Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

God’s love. What does it look like? It’s not the hormone-driven affection between two sweethearts, although that is how it is often portrayed. In my experience, God’s love looks more like this: A mother quitting her lucrative job to stay home with a child who needs to...

Blessing Upon Blessing

A hundred people helped themselves to the platters of grilled salmon, transported from the rivers of Alaska to Longview, Texas for the special occasion. Their surprise and delight brought a smile to our faces. This was the Kingdom Air Corps’ dinner of appreciation for...
LeTourneau Go Week

LeTourneau Go Week

Teams in khakis and matching mission shirts put the finishing touches on their display tables, setting their tabletop materials in place, raising their organizational banners, and fanning out colorful brochures. They occasionally stopped to shake a hand or hug a...