Dan and Vangie Swenson

Dan is one of the longest standing summer volunteers with KAC, starting back in 2005. As the ministry grew, so did the need for more full-time staff. Dan and Vangie joined KAC year-round in the summer of 2020. Dan then transitioned from Director of Aircraft Maintenance to Director of Maintenance Education, the role he now holds. He teaches airplane maintenance to college students, interns, volunteers, and some pilot students. It is his greatest joy to train the next generation of missionary airplane mechanics.

Vangie is a stay-at-home mom responsible for homeschooling and nurturing their three children – MaryElla, Caleb, and Abby. Life is full and very rewarding. During the summers, she and the children seek to find ways to befriend and encourage the families of our pilot students, the summer volunteers, and staff buddies. The entire Swenson family is grateful for the incredible opportunity to encourage those headed to foreign mission fields, setting aside their own ambitions, comforts, and securities for the furtherance of the gospel. The Swensons applaud you!