Kick-off, Summer 2024!

by | May 17, 2024 | KAC News | 0 comments

As the spring green leaves sprouted, framed by snow-capped mountains, Kingdom Air Corps staff was busy meeting and discussing plans for this summer’s training season. On Monday morning, May 13, all of us gathered for the day, recapping our winter experiences, and sharing what our responsibilities and goals are for the upcoming season. Each of us had completed a spiritual gifts assessment in April and seeing the results together was a highlight of the meeting! We broke into groups according to our primary gifting and each group read about their gift. It’s remarkable how we have seen those gifts working in each other for the benefit of the body of Christ here. We have many men and women with gifts of helps serving in Kingdom Air Corps in various ways; others have gifts of teaching, wisdom, discernment, giving, craftsmanship, hospitality, intercession, faith, mercy, administration, and leadership. It was a blessing to see who had what gifting(s) and we purposed to encourage each other use our gifts to build up the body of Christ as we serve.

Most of our flight students have arrived here at the Ranch, and we are so excited to get to know them! Student orientation was Wednesday and Thursday; and Friday, students and flight instructors participated in a simulated survival training challenge. Our flight instructors are learning about Alaskan airspace and perfecting their landings on our challenging grass runway. The sound of airplanes in the pattern has been music to our ears!

We have a new initiative this season—our Spiritual Discovery Series. They are week-long sessions, held each morning on a topic of spiritual development: prayer, devotions, bible study, and more. All of us as missionaries and missionary pilots need to train not just in flying skills but also in spiritual disciplines, walking closer with our Lord and with each other as we serve together. The first session starts on Monday, and many of us have been busy getting our seminar room set up! We take 2 Timothy 2:15 very seriously both in flight training and in missionary preparation: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (NIV).

You—our volunteers, supporters, and prayer warriors—are a very big part of our team this summer. We, at Kingdom Air Corps, depend on your prayers, your support, and God’s blessing to accomplish our work. Please remember us when you pray that God will quicken our hearts to better understand his Word, to deepen our commitment to love and obey him, and to put him first in all things, being faithful to fulfill our calling to serve him whole-heartedly. Know that we also pray for you as you serve him in your work across the country and around the world. Thank you for your continuing encouragement! Stay tuned for regular updates throughout the summer.